Envelope (2012)

Envelope (2012)

Evgeniy Petrov, The Soviet Union writer and journalist has an unusual hobby. Evgeniy started writing fake letters since he was 6 when he tried writing one to his imaginary friend. Throughout his lifetime, he has accumulated a letter from every country, except New Zealand. Every time he chooses different fake name for his addressee. The…

Controller (2013)

Controller (2013)

Controller (2013) – A girl takes control of her boyfriend “They say when I leave, the world will turn upside down.” Whoa. A girl that can control everything, perpetrates her own rescue by taking control of her boyfriend! Here’s another must watch new science fiction-esque short film from writer/director Saman Kesh called Controller, the perfect…

I.R.I.S. (2014)

I.R.I.S. (2014)

Short film IRIS is a powerful vision of a future society Short film IRIS is set un the near future where nano tech driven drones are used for reconnaissance missions and social surveillance. These drones are run by IRIS, an advanced A.I system, which soon begins to unleash an attack upon mankind the likes of…

Green Eyed (2012)

Green Eyed (2012)

Well-made Gothic 80s Hommage In the Summer of 1980 a successful yuppie faces an existential crisis when a nosferatic ghoul joins his social circle and undermines his social status. A stellar little gem of a short that turned up at Fantastic Fest a couple editions back as part of a lengthy festival run, Nathaniel Lindsay’s…

A Rose Reborn (2014)

A Rose Reborn (2014)

A Rose Reborn (2014) – Short Film of An Inventor versus Investor An inventor goes to meet an eccentric investor, one who insists on making the inventor follow a series of clues and bizarre requests before considering his new technology. A brilliant young CEO from London contemplates the possibility of selling his invention to a…

Market Hours (2014)

Market Hours (2014)

Lexus Short Films series Randall spends his days imagining the vibrant inner lives of various vendors at the multicultural urban market where he works; none more so than Angela, an angel with her own pastry shop. But Randall’s inattention to his work has led to a string of thefts and soon threatens to cost him…