Panther (1995)

Panther (1995)

This fictionalized history chronicles the far-reaching changes effected by the radical group the Black Panthers during the late 1960s ‘Panther’ is a superb movie, Exposing the Black Panther Party for what it was before Eldridge Clever took over. It is disturbing, with a lot of blood and swearing, but it tells (most of) the truth,…

KNIGHTMARE: Killing Joker (2019)
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KNIGHTMARE: Killing Joker (2019)

Batman Fan film is a great continuation of the Knightmare world! Arkham Asylum is new home of the Joker. This time he is there voluntarily! His move is to train young Johnny Chill to bis mastermind in gaining respect of the Gotham’s underground. >A satisfyingly dark take on the Batman franchise with some surprising moments…

Gogs (1995)
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Gogs – The Complete Collection (1995)

Grungy, in-your-face claymation comedy about a family of cavemen in prehistorical times! Gogs is a Welsh claymation-style animated television series in the form of a sitcom! Enjoy prehistorik ancestor as they struggle to survive in a dangerous world. In the Welsh language, the term ‘Gogs’ is slang for ‘Gogledd’ which translates as ‘North’ and ‘gogs’…

Sam Morril: I Got This (2020)

Sam Morril: I Got This (2020)

Amazingly written and flawlessly executed stand up comedy! Shot in the iconic Village Underground in the West Village, Sam Morrilโ€™s latest special feels representative of New York club comedy: offensive, and tightly written. The specialโ€™s title, for one, references an abortion joke. In an aside for a bit about school shootings, Morril gives his own…

Adam (2016)

Adam (2016)

Webby Award winning short film created with the Unity game engine! If you like Dystopian worlds, youโ€™ll love ADAM. A few years ago, Academy Award-nominated director Neill Blomkamp wrote something he labelled The ADAM bible. This 50-page document explored the rich possibilities of an original, dystopian world created by writer and director Veselin Efremov in…

Kenobi: A Star Wars Story (2019)
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Kenobi: A Star Wars Story (2019)

Good old Star Wars atmosphere and a fan film that feels like high-budget production! Obi-Wan Kenobi faces unforeseen threats on Tatooine as he watches over young Luke Skywalker. The plot is engaging and managed to raise the stakes in a short time, the act is brilliant, fighting very realistic, cinematography and Tatooine scenery absolutely beautiful,…

Pterodactyl (2005)
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Pterodactyl (2005)

Keep spending most of my life, livin’ inna pterodactyl’s paradise As Professor Michael Lovecraft leads a research expedition into the lush jungles of Northern Turkey, at the same time, a squad of U.S. commandos, led by Captain Bergen, hunt down a terrorist group hiding at a long-dormant volcano. Suddenly, aggressive, newly hatched pterodactyls start attacking…