Bloody Pit of Horror (1965)

Bloody Pit of Horror (1965) – Shooting sexy covers goes horribly wrong!

Bloody Pit of Horror (1965) – A photographer and his models go to an old, abandoned castle to shoot some sexy covers for horror novels. Unbeknownst to them, the castle is inhabited by a lunatic who believes himself to be the reincarnated spirit of a 17th-century executioner whose job it is to protect the castle against intruders.

Sometimes you are in the mood for a movie that’s arty, classy and Italian… And other times you just want something like The Bloody Pit of Horror which is only one of the above! Yes, it’s demented Italian exploitation time again! And The Bloody Pit of Horror AKA The Scarlet Executioner and Some Virgins for the Hangmanย  is packed with that kind of absolute nonsense done with demented panache that only Italians can muster. The plot, such as it is, is very simple – a group of models and photographers rock up to a castle for a shoot. There’s nobody home, and they do what anyone would do in the same situation – so they break in…ย Yes, folks this movie is camper than a field of tents! It’s horrible daft and daftly horrible, and stratospherically over the top. The script is clumsy, the acting atrocious and the story line ridiculous, so obviously, I loved it! It’s absolutely brilliant for all the right wrong reasons! Highly recommended!Hypnogoria

Director: Massimo Pupillo
Starring: Mickey Hargitay, Walter Brandi, Ralph Zucker

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