Umbrella (2020)

Oscar-Contending film Umbrella earned acclaim on the festival circuit!

Umbrella is a work of love, discipline, and resilience. It’s proof that when we find unique stories within our own experiences and we believe in our dreams with all our hearts, one day they will come true.

The widely acclaimed short has had a successful festival run. It has made history in Brazil by participating in 19 Oscar-qualifying film festivals, including the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival. Umbrella is the only Brazilian animated short that qualified for the Oscars this year. If nominated, it would be the first Brazilian animated short ever to get that far in the category.

In making this short, our dream and goal were to translate a painful memory into art to spread a beautiful message of empathy and hope. A sad event inspired us to create a beautiful and delicate story. We couldn’t stop thinking about how precious our memories are, and we must put ourselves in the other’s shoes before jumping to conclusions.

Directors: Helena Hilario, Mario Pece

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