Next Floor (2008)
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Next Floor (2008)

A grotesque vision of Hell by Denis Villeneuve! During an opulent banquet, eleven pampered guests participate in what appears to be a ritualistic gastronomic carnage. In this grotesque universe, an unexpected sequence of events destabilizes the endless symphony of abundance. Material wealth, possessions, and the things of this life are not to be our gods…

Toxic Skies (2008)

Toxic Skies (2008)

Global virus conspiracy and paranoia World Health Organization Doctor who uncovers the real cause of an epidemic is the government’s secret chem-trail program. The acting was excellent, the soundtrack pretty good, the plot certainly original and the whole idea of people poisoned on purpose is frightening but surprisingly realistic. Combine Warning Sign (1985) with Criminal…

jeff bezos documentary

Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos (2020)

Amazing Documentary on Amazon Empire! Jeff Bezos is not only the richest man in the world, he has built a business that is without precedent in the history of American capitalism. His power to shape everything from the future of work to the future of commerce to the future of technology is unrivaled. As politicians…

Star Wars: Neon Noir (Fan Edit)

Star Wars: Neon Noir (Fan Edit)

Flips the standard story line on its head to give a radical new interpretation. Obi-Wan takes his protege, Anakin Skywalker, to a nightclub on some unspecified Jedi business โ€“ presumably involving Darth Maul, who we saw them battle in the pre-title sequence. There, they are attacked by a bounty hunter, who is killed with a…