
Amos (1985)


Amos Lasher loses his wife and home in an accident, finding himself in the care of the state, or specifically speaking, the Sunset Nursing Home. Here he finds the head nurse, Daisy Daws, ruling the cowed patients with an iron hand, but as his determination to get out of Sunset grows, the more sinister his situation becomes.

Amos (1985) Review:

AMOS was a surprisingly effective TV-movie which owes a lot to ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST, but stands on its own as competent little shocker. Kirk Douglas, who ironically starred in CUCKOO’S NEST on Broadway, plays the title role here, a cantankerous senior citizen who finds himself committed to a senior citizens facility that is run by an iron-fisted nurse (Elizabeth Montgomery)who Amos suspects is over stepping the bounds of her authority by physically abusing the clients and robbing them of their life savings. Stanley Gordon West’s strong teleplay is an asset,but what makes this film sizzle is the cat and mouse game between Amos and the head nurse, who Montgomery bone-chillingly brings to life in one of her best performances, burying her Samantha Stephens image forever. Strong support is also provided by screen veterans Dorothy McGuire, Pat Morita, and Ray Walston but it is the Emmy-nominated performances by Douglas and Montgomery that are the main selling points here. It’s no CUCKOO’S NEST, but it is an entertaining second cousin. The movie had top shelf actors, but in NO way should be a end game plan for anyone. Suicide is not an option, it is not painless, but will require an answer to a Holy God in the here after.

Cast and crew:

Director: Michael Tuchner
Writer: Stanley Gordon West (book)
Stars: Kirk Douglas, Elizabeth Montgomery, Dorothy McGuire

Drama Science fiction

The Nostalgist (2014)


A science-fiction short film based on a story by NY Times best-selling author Daniel H. Wilson (Robopocalypse, Amped). In the futuristic city of Vanille, with properly tuned ImmerSyst Eyes & Ears the world can look and sound like a paradise. But the life of a father and his young son threatens to disintegrate when the father’s device begins to fail. Desperate to avoid facing his own traumatic reality, the man must venture outside to find a replacement, into a city where violence and danger lurk beneath a skim of beautiful illusion.

The Nostalgist (2014) Review:

This short film is a creation of filmmaking genius. The basic story by Daniel H. Wilson is as close to Philip K. Dick as you can get and still stay original, and Cimini has brought the tale to the screen with all the finesse of a huge Hollywood budget. Lambert Wilson as Papa drives the character elements of the adventure with all the quality you have come to expect from such a solid actor. The flicks between filtered scenes of nicety and the broken down neon mess that Vanille actually looks like are edited together in such a way that, even though you were expecting the plot twist when it happens, you are still left in awe.” —

Cast and Crew:

Directed by Giacomo Cimini
Starring Lambert Wilson, Samuel Joslin, Darrell D’Silva

Animation Drama

Animal Farm (1954)

Orwellian Masterpiece

Stream Animal Farm (1954), a story about how the animals in Manor Farm revolt against their owner. The animals have had enough of him and decided that they didn’t want to serve humans anymore. The pigs of the farm leads the others barnyards animals a revolt against Mr. Jones. Together, all the animals fight against humans, in hopes for a better future. However, an unexpected tyranny occurs, led by one of their own kind. George Orwell wrote a fable about revolution betrayed, and laced it liberally with references to the Russian Revolution. Much of this dimension is still visible in the film as of all the other’s Orwellian Films.

Stream Animal Farm (1954): A Piece of Movie History

The CIA obtained the film rights to “Animal Farm” from George Orwell’s widow, Sonia Orwell, after his death and covertly funded the production as anti-Communist propaganda. Some sources assert that the ending of the story was altered by the CIA (in the book, the pigs and humans join forces) to press home their message, but it is equally possible that the more upbeat ending of the movie was an artistic decision, to give the film more audience appeal.

Animal Farm is a beast fable, in the form of a satirical allegorical novella, by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945. It tells the story of a group of anthropomorphic farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. The pigs’ ever-increasing greed and lust for power were mirrored in their increasing resemblance to the human race. These facts all culminate in what I believe to be (at least one) moral of this story: when humanity succumbs to acts of greed and oppression, they are even less than animals.

Cast and Crew:

Directed by Joy Batchelor and John Halas
Writers: George Orwell (based on memorable fable)
Starring Gordon Heath, Maurice Denham


Sundays (2015)


Sundays short movie deals with the end of the world. It seems like a nightmare to Ben. A memory of a past life that doesn’t belong to him. When Ben starts to remember Isabelle, the only love he’s ever known, he realises she’s missing in his life. An existential descent into confusion and the desperate need to find out the truth begins. This reality depicts a stunning, surprising and dark world. A world that is clearly not his.

Set in Mexico City sometime in the future and starring US actor Brian Petsos and Mexican actress Sofia Sisniega, SUNDAYS is an ambitious philosophical science-fiction proof-of-concept short.

Sundays (2015) Review:

Mischa Rozema and PostPanic Pictures’ debut film project SUNDAYS completes a first step towards its Feature Film goal with the release of this ambitious proof-of-concept short. Much-anticipated and widely-supported by the international creative community (over 50K US Dollars was donated on Kickstarter alone for the live action filming part in Mexico City), SUNDAYS is directed by Mischa Rozema.

Cast and Crew:

Directed by Mischa Rozema
Starring by Brian Petsos, Sofía Sisniega


Interpretation (2008)

Short film Interpretation – Smart, Dramatic and Tense Movie

A romantic couple’s brief encounter with a few philosophical thugs unfolds in an unusual way. After this night, no one will be the same. Everyone will learn something new.!

A great use of all the talent involved. Smart, witty, funny w/ an awesome ending I didn’t expect. You see these kinds of films a lot, and most are handled very poorly. This felt like a scene out of a big budget Hollywood film. I hope these guys continue to do what they do. This is a simple little film which does a good job of setting up a dramatic and tense situation and then paying it off really well. The couple are pretty nice and you will like them while at the same time the criminal group do well to have banter between them but also have a lot of menace so we are pretty sure what is going to happen. A nice short film from Oeding, not a complex story but a nice setup and an even nicer delivery.

Directed by Lin Oeding
Starring: Ian Bohen, Cindy Chiu, Jay Giannone, Jeremy Luke.


Too Late for Tears (1949)

One night on a lonely highway, a speeding car tosses a satchel of money, meant for somebody else, into Jane and Alan Palmer’s back seat. Alan wants to turn it over to the police, but Jane, with luxury within her reach, persuades him to hang onto it “for a while.” Soon, the Palmers are traced by one Danny Fuller, a sleazy character who claims the money is his. To hang onto it, Jane will need all the qualities of an ultimate femme fatale…and does she ever have them!

The noir atmosphere works well, and the story, while perhaps far-fetched at a couple of points, is quite involved and grabs your attention from the beginning. This is a solid and sometimes memorable crime drama, filled with tension, and featuring some pretty good performances from the cast. Lizabeth Scott is amazing, and makes this film as much as the intriguing story and successful directing.

Directed by Byron Haskin
Starring: Lizabeth Scott, Don DeFore, Dan Duryea, Arthur Kennedy.


Exes (2015)

Exes (2015) – Awkwardness of Past Realtionships

Exes (2015) – There is nothing on this earth more awkward than running into an ex. There’s no way to avoid the dreaded ex run-in. Sooner or later, we’re all going to have to confront the person who shattered our heart into a million pieces. Whether it ended amicably or things were a little strained, those first few occasions when you bump into an ex-partner are enough to strike fear into your heart and turn you from a confident and cool woman into a bumbling mess.

Written & produced by Alison G Vingiano, known for her work on 42 Seconds of Happiness (2012), Him (2014) and Adventures of Angelfire (2014).Exes (2014) is directed by T.J. Misny is a hilarious take on the truth behind that polite small talk.

Directed by T.J. Misny
Starring: Ali Vingiano, Griffin Newman, Zach Goldbaum


Life (2014)

Life is a battle of choices and roads to be taken. We choose our own paths, we mark our own map. Once choices have been made, actions play out. Consequences are delivered. And in the end, we live with those consequences. But, the real struggle is making the choice to change how we take the roads untaken. Are we tough enough to decide for ourselves when the time comes?

Pixelhunters ( is specializing in high quality 3D animations, visual effects, post-production services and video games. We work on game and movie trailers, corporate videos, architectural visualizations. Pixelhunters has more than 40 international awards for the quality of its productions and works for clients from Australia to the USA. Iliya Atanasov, since his early years has had a single passion to create virtual computer art. He has grown his expertise and pursued his career exploring and dominating all the various stages of the digital production and post-production. He began with broadcast content editing and creation, and later on transferred his mature expertise to the most challenging movie and TVC visual effects production and 3D animation, creating and publishing award winning international productions. His work has garnered many personal awards and has been featured in recognized CG publications, such as Expose, 3D World Magazine and others.

Directed by Iliya Atanasov

Visit Official Page for more info!


The Boy in the Plastic Bubble (1976)

The Boy in the Plastic Bubble (1976) – Life in a Virus-Free sterile environment

The Boy in the Plastic Bubble (1976) – Based on a true story, Tod Lubitch is born with a deficient immune system (which is unlike being born with AIDS). As such, he must spend the rest of his life in a completely sterile environment. His room is completely hermetically sealed against bacteria and virus, his food is specially prepared, and his only human contact comes in the form of gloved hands. The movie follows his life into a teenager.

The Boy in the Plastic Bubble was John Travolta’s first starring role. It’s a made-for-TV movie, which makes sense given that at the time, John seemed like he was destined to be a made-for-TV actor. His hit sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter was still in full force at the time, but as we’ve seen, he hadn’t made much of a splash in the world of theatrical releases. Nevertheless, John’s popularity was growing ever higher, particularly with young girls. What better way to showcase him than through a… plastic bubble?Wayninginterests

Directed by Randal Kleiser
Starring: John Travolta, Glynnis O’Connor, Robert Reed, Diana Hyland


Fort Apache (2013)

Fort Apache (2013) – Dreamer Escapes From A Small Town Life

Fort Apache (2013) – Based on the Award Winning Story, Fort Apache follows a precocious young boy as he struggles to escape small town life. On the eve of his eleventh birthday he must choose between leaving home or following his brother down a path of violence and destruction in this coming of age story.

Addison Mehr is known for his work on Hugo (2011), George Harrison: Living in the Material World (2011) and Fort Apache (2013).

It was based on a short story that I read in Francis Ford Coppola‘s Zoetrope magazine. I got in touch with the author Alan Heathcock and it turned out he was a big movie fan. I grew up in rural small town America, so I wanted to do a story set in small town America, and to me this story resonated. When I got in touch with Alan we found we had a lot of similar visual references and film references for how we pictured the story, like Ivan’s Childhood and Rumble Fish. – Addison Mehr

Directed by Addison Mehr.
Starring: Josh Salatin, Lindsay Burdge, Hale Lytle, Shirley Temple


The Weight (2012)

The Weight (2012) – Ex-Union soldier Confronts former Confederate

The Weight (2012) – Lew Temple, who plays Marshal Jack Doven, has appeared in feature films such as “The Devil’s Rejects” and “Lawless.” He found the Marcotte Brothers’ post for actors on L.A. Craigslist and auditioned via Skype with Trevor, who was living in Monterey, CA at the time. Ex-Union soldier James Evans is on his way to San Francisco to begin a new life after the war. While passing through a desert town, he is confronted by former Confederate Will Dunlap. As Will pushes for a confrontation, James hopes to leave the life of a soldier behind.

All cast auditions were conducted via Skype with writers/directors Trevor and Nick Marcotte. Nick lives in Austin, TX, and Trevor lived in Monterey, CA at the time. Auditions were conducted with actors and actresses based in Los Angeles. The original concept for “The Weight” was imagined by the Marcotte Brothers at a coffee shop in Austin, TX. Trevor Marcotte took a hiatus from school at the time to spend time with his brother in Austin. The writing process began during that period. Shot at White Horse Ranch, near Joshua Tree, in California.

Directed by Trevor Marcotte
Starring: Devin Metzger, Josh Harp, Henry Hermiz


The Little Princess (1939)

The Little Princess (1939) – Great Adaptation of a children’s classic novel

The Little Princess (1939) – The story sets in the England ruled by Queen Victoria. Sara is a little girl who doesn’t have anything in the world but her father, Captain Reginald Crew. War times run, and Captain Crew’s sent to fight with the British army to Africa, to fight against in the Boer War. Sara’s worried about her father and she’s afraid of his security. The girl is registered in an exclusive seminary for girls, only for a period of time, until Captain Crew returns from Africa. Amanda Minchin is a strict woman who runs the seminary. Sara makes friends with a kindly young teacher, called Rose, and with the horse instructor Geoffrey. So, Sara’s life at Minchin Seminary is very happy, but everything there has a monetary cost, even the birthday party and the presents that Miss Minchin sets up for the girl. When Sara finds out about Captain Crew’s death, she’s devastated but all the privileges will cease, because there’s no money to pay for them. Miss Minchin tells Sara that she can stay, but in a dark and creepy attic and she’ll have to work as a servant for all her friends. However she makes friends with a nice Indian servant from the house next door and with the other servant girl, Becky, at the seminary. But Sara, keeps hoping that her father is still alive. Based on the Francis Burnett children’s classic novel.

Director: Walter Lang
Starring: Shirley Temple, Richard Greene, Anita Louise


Wish 143 (2009)

Wish 143 (2009) – Deadly sick fifteen-year-old boy’s Last Wish

Wish 143 (2009) – An Oscar-nominated drama about a fifteen-year-old boy with only months to live, who is granted one final wish from the Dreamscape Charity. But David doesn’t want to go to Disneyland or meet Gary Neville; what he really wants is an hour alone with a naked woman.

Produced as part of BBC Film Network’s BBC Drama Shorts 2009 commission, in conjunction with Lighthouse Arts & Training and BBC Writersroom. Ian Barnes is a Writer, Director & Producer transmitting from Crouch End in London and very occasionally from LA, California. Wish 143 by British filmmaker Ian Barnes was nominated for the Best Short Film Oscar in 2011.

Directed by Ian Barnes.
Starring: Samuel Holland, Rory Kinnear, Kieran Hardcastle


Escape From Sobibor (1987)

Escape From Sobibor (1987) – True Story of escape from the Nazi Death Camp

Escape From Sobibor (1987) – The historical recreation of the escape from the Nazi Death Camp Sobibor, where approximately one-quarter million Jews were executed. Of approximately 600 prisoners who attempted escaped in October 1943, around 300 succeeded. However, nearly all were ultimately recaptured; only about 60 people survived Sobibor. This gripping, fact-based drama chronicles the courage of an inmate who managed the largest escape from such a place. Thanks to him, over 300 prisoners were freed.

When it premiered on CBS in 1987, about 31,6 million Americans saw the film on TV. The film is full of suspense and based on a true story that happened at Sobibor, which was the biggest camp escape during the war. This movie is in some parts shocking when, like Schindler’s List and other Holocaust films, it shows naked women and children being led into the gas chambers and a woman being executed simply for bringing her baby into the camp. This movie is a great film and I am surprised that it was only a made-for-TV movie, for it has the true qualities of a theater movie and it also has a great musical soundtrack.

Directed by Jack Gold
Starring: Alan Arkin, Joanna Pacula, Rutger Hauer

Drama Science fiction

Things to Come (1936)

One of the most important films in the development of science fiction genre

Along one hundred year, mankind lives a long period of war from 1940 to 1966; then a plague destroys half of the worldwide population; and finally a group of scientists reconstruct the society bringing progress. Each one of these eras is disclosed in the city of Everytown, in England: during the war, the city is completely destroyed. Then with the plague, the ill people called wanderings are killed by the survivors. One day, a weird airplane lands and the pilot tells that he belongs to a scientific community called Wings Over the World and their mission is to rebuild the societies, using a gas to make people peaceful. In 2036, in a modern Everytown, an opponent of the progress raises the population against the system. The film is based on the H.G. Wells book The Shape of Things to Come, which is more an essay than a novel.

Things To Come is one of the most important films in the development of science fiction genre. There were few pure sci-fi films in the 1930s, but Things To Come was one of the first, and it remains one of the best for its relevancy. Besides being a classic of the genre, it’s also one of the finest examples of screen Modernism. Growing up, I would check out the books on science fiction movies, the ones that came out in the 1980s like Twenty All-Time Great Science Fiction Films. I’d always find photos from this highly-regarded film depicting futuristic set designs. One of the most famous examples is the photo of the modern “Everytown”– an underground city with indoor, terraced apartments and glass elevator tubes. But society didn’t have to wait until 2036; by the 1970s, hotels had lobbies that looked like that! Things To Come is also one of the most challenging films to discuss in Screen Deco because its vision is both disturbing and inspirational. It’s a science fiction film that makes us think, and in our age of special effects, how many can do that?screendeco

Directed by: William Cameron Menzies
Starring: Raymond Massey, Edward Chapman, Ralph Richardson

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