Martial Arts

Ninja Death III (1987) – A Thrilling Tale of Stealthy Revenge and High-Flying Martial Arts Mayhem

Unleash the Fury of the Flying Guillotine

By day, Tiger is a Martial Arts expert… by night he is the bouncer of a brothel. Tiger is trained under the watchful eye of “Master” and in this process of training it occurs that the Grand Master and his merry men, AKA Ninjas, are trying to take over Tiger’s turf in Japan. Part Three is where everyone gears up for the big battle. On one side you have the blind fortune teller and his crew, Tiger and the Japanese brother and sister, and on the other side you’ve got the grandmaster, devil mask, and infinite ninjas. There’s a battle every minute and wait till you see a) The grandmaster’s hammers, which detach themselves and fly at his opponents, b) Tiger’s entrance to the big battle which involves him flying up into the air and things exploding c) Devil Mask’s entrance to the last battle which involves him flying 400 yards horizontally through a forest and d) Loads of wire work, people flying about and a good pay off.

Watch Ninja Death 3 Movie Online (1987)

The choreography and production values are decent for this type of movie, and it’s fast paced enough to have kept me entertained during the slower bits, the costuming and terrible special effects are highly entertaining (particularly the full body gold outfit with red cape) and there’s some very very low brow jokes in here, particularly dealing with sex. (the main character starts out as a bouncer in a whorehouse). The dubbing is amusingly bad, and as mentioned does switch accents halfway through the movie.

Cast and Crew:

Director: Joseph Kuo
Starring: Alexander Rei Lo, Fei Meng

Martial Arts

Ninja Death II (1987) – A Heart-Pumping, Sword-Wielding Spectacle of Ninja Mayhem and Revenge

Only A Ninja Can Kill A Ninja!

By day, Tiger is a Martial Arts expert…by night he is the bouncer of a brothel. Tiger is trained under the watchful eye of “Master” and in this process of training it occurs that the Grand Master and his merry men, AKA Ninjas, are trying to take over Tiger’s turf in Japan. Part Two spends the first forty minutes explaining what happened in the first film and training up Tiger for his big battle. Turns out he’s a Japanese prince, his master was his uncle, and devil mask is his dad. Also, his mum isn’t dead after all. The dubbing is back to American again and truly becomes surreal, as if the dubbing crew might have watched the film once before dubbing. Part 2 picks up again as various battles break out, most notably Devil Mask guy going berserk and pulling a guy’s head off with his bare hands before rampaging through the countryside, pulling people’s guts out. Also, most of this part of Ninja Death takes place beside waterfalls for some reason, and the Princess sounds like Lady Diana

Watch Ninja Death 2 (1987) Movie Online – Free Martial Arts Kung-Fu Ninja Entertainment

The choreography and production values are decent for this type of movie, and it’s fast paced enough to have kept me entertained during the slower bits, the costuming and terrible special effects are highly entertaining (particularly the full body gold outfit with red cape) and there’s some very very low brow jokes in here, particularly dealing with sex. (the main character starts out as a bouncer in a whorehouse). The dubbing is amusingly bad, and as mentioned does switch accents halfway through the movie.

Cast and Crew:

Director: Joseph Kuo
Starring: Alexander Rei Lo, Fei Meng

Martial Arts

Rage of a Ninja (1988)


There’s plethora of reasons why to watch Rage of a Ninja, but you only need one – it was directed by Godfrey Ho! 😉 The bizarre story centres around an evil ninja trying to get his hands on a manual that will somehow make him ‘The Ultimate Ninja’. Steve, who comes home one night to find his wife having intimate relations with a young stud. Understandably none too impressed with this, Steve proceeds to give the young whippersnapper a jolly good beating. In fact such a beating that Steve, believing himself to have killed the man, is compelled to do a bunk and go on the run. He eventually ends up holed up in a house and holding the lone female occupant hostage. However, in a somewhat unlikely plot development, the woman ends up falling in love with him!

Watch Rage of Ninja and get the knowledge of the Ultimate Ninja Power!

I recommend this movie for anyone who wants a movie they can laugh at with their friends; it’s much more hilarious that way.

Directed by Godfrey Ho
Starring: Marko Ritchie, Mike Abbott, Morna Lee, Peter Cressall.

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