Shaolin Super Dragon (1976)


Shaolin Super Dragon (1976) follows a wealthy merchant who hires the services of several top martial artists to escort a consignment of treasure out of the province. The escort is constantly attacked and finally the mission is brought to an abrupt halt when a masked fighter wants to expose a heinous plot.

Shaolin Super Dragon (1976) Review:

In SUPER DRAGON, Yueh Hua plays Kue, one of five warriors who work as “escorts” (bodyguards or payroll guards). He sleeps with his eyes open, as befits an escort. The five brothers agree to deliver a box of valuables to a local magistrate, despite their reservations: They’ve been robbed several times in the recent past (which, by all rights, should give one pause when it comes time to decide which Escort Company you’re going to employ to deliver your valuables…). When a pair of thieves, Dinny (?) and Ma, steal a flag whose shaft is filled with pearls, the five escorts catch up with them at the shop of a fence, Chang, and proceed to wreck the place. The 2 thieves are interrogated and Dinny(?) agrees to lead them to the bodies of the traitors who told them about the pearls. Kue and another escort are ambushed and Kue is buried in an avalanche. It’s at this point that the cute Miss Wang pops up, looking to avenge the death of her father. The bodies are finally found- and a masked man in black literally explodes from hiding in one of the coffins. Lo Lieh also pops up before all’s said and done. Overall, not a bad way to run down your Life Clock.

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