
Rave (2018)

A contemplative journey into the pulsating heart of Berlin’s techno community

‘Rave’ is a short film that offers a reflection on female’s raver in Berlin’s techno community.
The film follows four Berlin girls on their way to the Rave. Throughout their journey, They share thoughts about the vision of this subculture.

What are we really seeking when going to a Rave?

Arthur Valverde is an awarded film director based in NYC specialized in Fashion, Commercials, (Car, lifestyle, Beauty) branded content and music videos.

Written and directed by Arthur Valverde


Medium Rare (2007)

The fine eroticism. The tension. The atmosphere.

Carl is running for his life. When a beautiful woman offers him an unexpected hiding place, his luck seems to change. But desire is about to lay its own subtle trap.

The fine eroticism. The tension. The atmosphere. And, sure, Steve Furst. Basic pillars of this interesting short film about a runing man, an unconventional refuge, a lady in red dress with black stockings and an invitation. Obvious references to refined films and books about same problem. But, more important, lovely mix of sexual tension and humor.

Written and Directed by Stefan Stuckert
Starring: Gordon Alexander, Chris Bell, Derren Brown

Science fiction

The Narrow World (2017)

Visually beautiful, well directed simple allegory of meaning.

THE NARROW WORLD is the story of a gigantic alien that crashes to Earth and takes up residence in Los Angeles. Contrary to expectations, when the alien is neither hostile towards the tiny humans around it, nor communicative in any way, it falls on the populace to decipher what, exactly, this visitor wants and what it means for them. One man sees more to it- a message, perhaps, that may tell us less about the alien, and more about our deepest inner selves, about the mysteries of the soul.

The sci-fi narrative unfolds in a pseudo-documentary style that radiates with authenticity while balancing the film’s stark human drama.

Written and Directed by Brent Bonacorso


A Date in 2025 (2017)

Realistic portrait of contemporary social connection

In the year 2025, a young man’s superintelligent AI system tells him that he must go on a date or face certain suicide from loneliness.

Fun and cute, like a mini version of HER by Spike Jonze.

Written and directed by Ryan Turner
Starring Corrin Evans, Sasha Feldman, Amy Shiels

Science fiction

Genghis Khan Conquers the Moon (2015)

Great film about power, desire, needs, magic and limits.

In Genghis Khan’s last days, an encounter with a Wizard sends him to the Moon. Just as the Mediaeval anti-hero thinks he’s made his greatest conquest, he finds himself on a spiritual quest, realizing the absurd clash between one man’s need and the silence of the Universe.

Written and directed by Kerry Yang
Starring: Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, James Hong, Marcus Natividad

Science fiction

REDEEM The Beginning (2014)

Inspirational proof of concept film that thrives on ambition

If you were murdered but given a second chance, a chance to redeem yourself and it means taking the lives of those who took yours… Would you do it?

“REDEEM The Beginning” came from wanting to make a film about a female hero that people felt authentic and true and with the focus on making REDEEM an International production.
But everyone turned down the short film script for funding, saying the things We expected: Its not possible to make this in Sweden, its not art house enough, it’s to commercial. In the end, We knew we had to found it with our own savings and time. It became a Zero budget production.

Written and directed by Dennis Petersen
Starring Tim Greenlee, Moa Malan, Jerry Obeng


The Army Within (2014)

The whole world will come to know their true fate.

On the brink of an alien invasion childhood sweet hearts Traye and Sally are thrust into an inescapable turn of events. Now Traye has to face his biggest fears while protecting the girl he loves as she fights for her life. The entire human race is now forced to battle the army within.

Written and Directed by Andy Sutton
Starring Paul Pantano, May Grehan, Ben Davy-Thorburn

Science fiction

Beyond the Trek (2017)

Fantastic Indie Sci-Fi Film

A deep space mining vessel has been adrift for two years. It is suspected the crew brutally killed each other, but the reason for the bloodbath is unknown. A rescue crew is sent to find if there are any survivors, what happened and why.

Given its low budget don’t expect a ton of action and special effects, but the film makes up for it with strong acting, intrigue and a story that keeps you guessing.

Written and directed by Ian Truitner
Starring Sunny Mabrey, Lance Broadway, T.J. Hoban


Resignation (2016)

Beautiful story, great cinematography, good performances. and a film who continuous in your mind after its end.

Any single night, Gene looks the stars from the porches of his house. At the next morning, Gene takes his car and drives long away to arrive a determined place in the middle of the Texas’ desert, meanwhile a few radio announcers comment a big imminent disaster for the human kind. Finally, he arrives to the marked place, meeting another man called Vincent. But the encounter won’t be as Vincent waits.

Written and directed by: Mike Ozmun
Starring: David Schmidt, Mike Ozmun, Ariel Gilman

Science fiction

White Lily (2016)

A tense spaceship captain and co-pilot set out to investigate a comet, when a technical fault cuts to the core of their relationship problem…

Leon and Isobel are nearing the critical point of a long space journey. Leon relaxes, watching a hologram of blue skies and recalling a holiday he and Isobel had – but doesn’t remember one of the features she draws attention to, a vase with a white lily. The purpose of their expedition is to investigate a comet. Perhaps because of his fractiousness, Leon sets a flight path that Isobel considers dangerous, and the ship is damaged in the process of its exploration.

Directed by Tristan Ofield
Stars: Siddhii Lagrutta, David McCaffrey

Science fiction

XYZ: From Fire And Dust (2019)

Stylish proof-of-concept short film – TV pilot

From the director of “From the Future With Love”, in the future there is a highly regulated process for “printing” human-like organisms, whom then remain under their owner’s control in perpetuity. These “angels” are incredibly valuable, but the constricted supply gives rise, as always, to a black market. We follow the Noo, a trio of 3 identical angels whom share a hive consciousness, as they attempt to extricate themselves out from under the control of the corrupt police officer whom has illegally created them, and secure official status for their existence.

A sci-fi short film about the length artificial humans will go to gain their freedom.

Written and Directed by K. Michel Parandi
Starring: Kim Bonifay, Jay Cambell, Arielle Ray

Science fiction

U.F.Oh Yeah (2015)

Creative, Witty and Comical

Ned Deedry, a conspiracy theorist and Extra-Terrestrial enthusiast, had always dreamed of making contact with other-worldly visitors. But, when that day finally arrived, things don’t play out the way he’d hoped.

I’ve been watching Film Riot since 2009 and it is a joy to see U.FOh Yeah showcase as amongst their best work. The storytelling and cinematography are well crafted and Josh’s performance was stellar. Moreover, the lighting and sound were exceptional and the VFX was spot on. Watching a dynamic film within the indie short genre makes me happy to see what talent, dedication and hard work can do. The indie world is giving the studios a run for their money and I see it as a wonderful time to be a filmmaker.

Written and Directed by Ryan Connolly
Star: Josh Connolly

Science fiction

The Reckoning (2016)

In a post apocalyptic world where resources are controlled, a fearless young girl seeks revenge for her families death. After years of Government manipulation on the people, she must find a way to restore order from those who took everything from her.

Troy has spent the last ten years creating cinematic films, commercials, documentaries, and non-profit organization promotional videos. He is completely self taught in nearly all areas of film. He has spent the years learning the world of cinematography, lighting, motion graphics, compositing, sound design, and more. His passion for storytelling brings to life his love for all aspects of film but he has honed his skills and thrives in directing actors. Troy is currently in the process of optioning a feature script and is moving forward in producing and directing it in 2015. He is alway motivated to do his best in everything and to pull out the best from his actors. He creates a fun and safe set for actors to feel freedom in their roles and to make it their own. See his work below and contact for more information on how you can be apart of the vision: “Creating quality positive films to help create change and impact people around the world.”

Written and directed by Troy Ruff
Starring: Sivan Amilani, Aion Boyd, Sarah Cox


Robot & Scarecrow (2017)

Poetic, seductive and impressive film!

A love story between a robot and a scarecrow who meet and fall for each other at a summer music festival.

I find most shorts annoyingly lacking in script and plot– and I admit this short is not “fully filled in”. But it doesn’t have to be. We don’t need the back story, the reasons, the explanations to get the point of this simple statement. Nor do we need the writer / director (in this one case) to explain to us their entire thought process behind producing this as they did.

Directed by Kibwe Tavares
Starring: Jack O’Connell, Daniel Kaluuya and Holliday Grainger

Science fiction

Arch (2017)

Fantastic adventure through the post-apocalypse deserts of Babylon!

“ARCH” is about the adventure between a young girl and the faceless desert warrior that she befriends. M1K3, a fearsome being brought to life from the sand upon the interaction with Lilly. Together the two of them travel the wasteland, and after a short while, M1K3 discovers that Lilly has fatal radiation poisoning, a staple of the nuclear desert. The two of them decide to journey to “the safe place” in order to find a cure for Lilly, but to reach it they have to venture through Babylon, the wicked fortress of the wastes, and face the demons that lie within.

Written adn directed by: Preston Yarger
Starring: Lainee Rhodes, Anton Weidner, Viva Valdez

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